Monday, August 8, 2011

Selected Kansas Water Information Websites

Water Rights information:  Contains all the public information on every water right in the state.  If you need to know what a water right is appropriated to pump, its owner, the priority date, the well location, etc., etc., this is the site for you.  It is updated every day so it's very current.  It does not lend itself to broadcast data collection though, so if you want to know everything about every water right in Thomas County, you'll need about 800 clicks to get it.

Well Completion Records:  These are the required (since 1975) well completion records of all wells drilled in Kansas.  Great for looking at an area and seeing what is already known about it as far as total depths, saturated thicknesses, and stratigraphic formation goes.  These are well driller supplied data, so some are better than others.

Water Level Data:  This data set contains all the known water level measurement data in the state - through time.  If you need to look at water levels, this is the place to start.  It is searchable and sortable.

GMD 4 Webpage:  Chances are you already know about our webpage - containing much information about GMD 4 - from staff, to policies, to news, to board meetings - and just about everything in between.  Many people get to this blog via the webpage - and vice versa.
High Plains Aquifer Network:  This site is continually being worked on, but will eventually pull together much of the information from the 8 states that cover the various parts of the High Plains Aquifer.  Great vison on this site; I hope it doesn't expand too large and actually become difficult to navigate and use.

Kansas Interstate Compact Info:  Administered by the division of water resources under the Kansas Department of Agriculture, all the state's interstate compacts are listed here with relevant documents.  For the Republican River Compact, which GMD 4 is most interested in, this site contains all the pivotal legal efforts and court documents.

Moreover, DWR is working toward providing the most efficient assistance it can to the public. They have posted a lot of material on their web page to help answer questions.  Use of this material has the added benefit of producing more focused questions if it does not answer the public’s queries in the first place – all resulting in better service with less time and manpower. Information online includes:

• Instructions for the Notice of Completion and Meter Installation Form

• Kansas Water Flowmeter Regulations (excerpted)

• Specifications for Water Level Measurement Tubes

• Check Valve Specifications

• Partial Listings of Approved Check Valves

• Information about Division of Water Resources Hearings

• Water Protection Fee Requirements

• Minimum Desirable Streamflow Regulations

• List of Certified Water Flowmeters

For DWR's main page use this link.  Ken Kopp is the manager of this new effort and can be reached by E-mail at:  DWR’s phone number is:  (785) 296-3717. They know everyone doesn’t have the web or use it religiously, but to the extent that the public can use these info sources, it’ll help streamline the system for everyone.

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