Just two weeks ago the monarch butterflies were in my part of Kansas on their migration southward - presumably to Mexico. There were hundreds of them in my backyard each day for about a week enjoying the cool mornings, the many Fall flowers and our watering holes - a pond and two bird baths. We haven't seen them for the past three or four years, not really knowing if their migration paths had just taken them farther east or west of Colby, or if we were too busy with other things and simply didn't notice. But we certainly enjoyed them this year. The photo at right (and many others just as wonderful) were taken by Karrie Pennington who, with her husband Dean (from Mississippi), just happened to be spending the night with us on their way West and North. The only thing any of this has to do with water is that Dean and I both manage groundwater management districts. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that Karrie works for NRCS. Maybe some day the bald eagles or the whooping cranes will stop over, too.
Go ahead and click on the photo - I kept it full size for your more complete enjoyment.
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